Transforming Enemies into Allies

Couples often lock into reactivity behavior that then becomes a relationship pattern filled with distress. These couples devolve quickly into negativity and reactivity when faced with their relationship. This offering offers a reframing of this experience as an opportunity for redirecting energy. We will also discuss the causes and kinds of stuckiness that show up and how to find the vulnerability and opportunity that is just under the surface…

This course will help you to

  • Guide your couples through the process of Zero Negativity by applying different methods

  • Discover and identify your own Power Struggles to support couples in resolve their own Power Struggles

  • Understand the necessity of anger and how to safely and positively use it in your couple sessions

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Course content

Course curriculum

    1. Jill Wolf - Lecture on Anger in the Relational Paradigm

    1. Elisabeth Ponsin - Lecture on Zero Negativity and the Space Between

    2. Zero Negativity Quiz

    3. Elisabeth Ponsin - Lecture on Zero Negativity and the Space Between Part 2

    4. Zero Negativity (EN)

    5. Contrat: La Promesse de Zéro Négativité

    6. Contract: The Promise of Zero Negativity

    1. Wendy Palmer Patterson - Lecture on Frozen in the Power Struggle

About this course

  • $79.00
  • 8 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Contact your Instructors

  • How to contact Elisabeth Ponsin?

    We invite you to send a direct mail to Elisabeth Ponsin via "[email protected]". If you are unable to establish contact with your instructor, please send an email to "[email protected]".

  • How to contact Jill Wolf?

    We invite you to send a direct mail to Jill Wolf via "[email protected]". If you are unable to establish contact with your instructor, please send an email to "[email protected]".

  • How to contact Wendy Palmer Patterson?

    We invite you to send a direct mail to Wendy Palmer Patterson via "[email protected]". If you are unable to establish contact with your instructor, please send an email to "[email protected]".